
What is Myotherapy?

Myotherapy is a form of physical therapy that incorporates advanced massage techniques, trigger point therapy and a wide range of soft tissue massage and manipulation including dry needling, cupping and joint mobilization. Myotherapists also use stretching, exercise prescription, postural advice and education, heat and cold therapy, and TENS.

The philosophy of myotherapy is founded on Western medical principles including anatomy, physiology and biomechanics.

Why use a Myotherapist?

Myotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of disorders including:

  • overuse injuries such as tennis elbow or shin splints
  • some sports injuries
  • tension headache
  • pain caused by poor posture
  • some types of chronic back pain
  • some types of joint pain, such as shoulder impingement syndrome
  • muscle sprains.

Do I need a referral?

No, You don’t need a referral from a doctor to make an appointment with a myotherapist.

Is Myotherapy claimable?

Generally yes, check with your private health provider as most do have options that include Myotherapy.

Book now if you are looking for fantastic Myotherapists in Balwyn now.